Water Treatment is an important sector within ESCOL CHEMICALS’ expertise, which includes products and technical advice backed by state-of-the-art technology.


Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Cooling towers

Description: We have corrosion inhibitors for open recirculating towers, closed systems and once-through systems; we also have specialized products for each range of alkalinity of the system water; they are very stable products highly resistant to temperatures and chlorine. Through our controllers you can automate the injection of these products by measuring the conductivity in recirculation and replenishment.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Cooling towers

Description: We have scale inhibitors for open recirculating towers, closed systems and once-through systems; also these inhibitors work at high Langelier rates of the recirculating water keeping hardness salts and other soluble and/or dispersed salts in the water. Through our controllers it is possible to automate the injection of these products by measuring the conductivity in the recirculation and in the replenishment.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Cooling towers

Description: We have all the possible variety of oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides to be applied depending on the system, water characteristics and type of batteries present; through our ORP controllers and timers we can automatically control the dosing of the biocide in your system.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Cooling towers

Description: In addition to scale inhibitor and biocides the application of inorganic dispersants and organic biodispersants may also be needed which prevent the formation of deposits in tower pools and equipment with low flow rates.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Cooling towers

Description: These products are used when hydrocarbon leakage occurs from the process to the cooling water in order to prevent cavitation of the recirculation pumps and to prevent conditions for bacteriological growth from poropicizing.

Steam generation

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Steam generation

Description: We have inorganic and organic sequestrants depending on the working pressures and temperatures of the boilers; we can automate the application of these products through oxygen sensors in the boiler feed water.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Steam generation

Description: We offer combinations of neutralizing amines for short, medium and long steam network runs; also their dosing is automatable by measuring the pH of the condensate produced.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Steam generation

Description: Depending on boiler water conditions and boiler pressures and temperatures, hardness and silica scale inhibitor products should be used; their injection is automatable by measuring conductivity in the blowdown and feed water and correlating them through a PLC.

Application area: Water treatment
Equipment: Steam generation
Sometimes it is not sufficient to apply a scale inhibitor and a salt dispersant or a crystal modifier is needed to prevent the salts from remaining in the lower dome of the boiler and being removed by the blowdown.

Application area: Water treatment
Equipment: Steam generation
Description: For low pressure boilers (< 250 psig) treatments containing oxygen scavengers, scale inhibitor, and neutralizing amines may be recommended in the same formulation.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Steam generation

Description: Depending on the pH and characteristics of the boiler water the use of defoamers may be needed to mitigate this phenomenon.

Application area: Water treatment
Equipment: Steam generation
Description: Sometimes to maintain adequate alkalinity in the boiler it is advisable to use alkalinizers in the boiler feed water.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Steam generation

Description: For boiler make-up water treatment we offer cationic and anionic resins; as well as solutions that prevent caking of resins especially with organic matter.

Industrial water and effluent clarification

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Clarification, softening and effluents

Description: We supply anionic and cationic polymers in high molecular weight
in solid presentations, with excellent results for industrial water clarification,
drinking water and wastewater.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Clarification, softening and effluents

Description: We supply cationic polymers in solution or emulsion that at very low doses (< 1 ppm) help filter flocs that would otherwise pass into boiler make-up water or cooling tower recirculation water.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Clarification, softening and effluents

Description: We have high charge, high molecular weight, high solids polymers used to dewater mineral or oiled sludge; this application is also referred to as de-watering.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Clarification, softening and effluents

Description: In oil operations the reinjection water or effluents must have their hydrocarbon content lowered to the values regulated by the standards, for this purpose there are primary treatments where reverse emulsion breakers (crude/water) or de-oilers are used.

Application area: Water treatment

Equipment: Clarification, softening and effluents

Description: In oil and industrial operations H2S is generated as part of the products and/or processes handled and therefore either for reasons of Hygiene or industrial safety or for compliance with discharge standards H2S must be removed from the environment or effluent.

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