ESCOL CHEMICALS provides products and services that help increase customer productivity in pulp and paper processes, operations and equipment.


Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Escol Chemicals’ digester additives improve pulp production and increase continuous digester throughput, liquor penetration into the chips resulting in increased operating efficiency and offer a more uniform cooking process, minimizing knots and liquor usage minimizing bleaching costs. If you need assistance deciding which product to use our team of experts is ready to assist you with improving your pulp production.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Through chelation which is the ability of a chemical compound to form soluble complexes of metal ions in the presence of chemical agents that would normally produce precipitates in aqueous solutions can sequester metals that would otherwise produce adverse effects in the pulp and paper industry such as scale formation, sticky deposits and foaming.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Pulp and Paper mills can experience considerable scale deposit problems. Factors that drive inorganic salts to precipitate in pulping and bleaching liquors are: pH, temperature, intense mechanical or hydrodynamic shear forces and supersaturation concentrations of scale ions. To prevent the precipitation of salts, base antifouling products are used: polymers, phosphates and phosphonates.

Application Area: Pulp and Paper

Description: As for other industries corrosion inhibitors act at the level of stabilization of the physicochemical properties of water and by formation of a protective film on the metal with the bivalent ions present in the system.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Properly selected biocide dosing takes care of your peace of mind and your pocketbook. Our waterborne biocide dosing program prevents the accumulation of biological solids, and with them the risk of lump formation in the paper machine. Lump formation means paper that is easily punctured or easily torn. And that costs a lot of money: The entire roll of paper becomes unusable. The machine has to be stopped and restarted. That’s why microbiological deposits must be avoided.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Defoamers are used in pulp and paper mills to reduce problems associated drainage , reduce paper breakage, thus improving paper machine runnability and increased productivity in the mill, decrease steam consumption of dryers, resulting in energy saving operation. It also prevents the appearance of holes in the paper by eliminating fine bubbles in the fibers.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Even if part of the fibers and fillers that form the white water are recovered, it is desirable the maximum retention of these in the paper sheet. In general, the pulp has a certain electrical demand, which is the result of the different components it contains: fibers, fillers, pigments, sizing agents, etc. This electrical demand is what determines which type of polymer is the most suitable to achieve greater retention. Drainage agents, on the other hand, are used especially in the manufacture of papers based on waste paper as the main raw material. Our drainage agents increase capillarity as a result of bridging between fibers, improving water drainage through the fibers.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Optical brighteners are dyes that absorb light in the ultraviolet and violet region (usually 340-370 nm) of the electromagnetic spectrum, and re-emit light in the blue region (typically 420-470 nm). These additives are often used to improve the appearance of paper, causing a perceived “whitening” effect, making materials appear less yellow by increasing the total amount of blue light reflected.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description:  Developing the wet and dry strength needed for any grade of paper is a critical part of papermaking operations. The incorporation of a strength additive allows papermakers to manage the paper strength characteristics of their products, and also allows for the new development of improved paper grades and increases machine efficiency.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

The increased use of waste paper creates problems due to the introduction of contaminants into the papermaking cycle. Felt and wire cleaners are needed to remove deposits and impurities, and to ensure that the wire and felt are always operating at peak efficiency. The products presented in this group are efficient cleaners suitable for felt and wire. Packaging and tissue machines lose the equivalent of 4% of their production per day due to machine contamination and sheet breakage caused by deposits. Our products neutralize the sticky nature of contaminants, eliminating felt and wire blockage problems and deposits when pressing the drying cylinders. The runnability of the paper machine and the quality of the final paper product is significantly improved.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: Sizing applications are fundamental to the papermaking process and help achieve the desired functionality to the finished paper/cardboard. For example, sizing is useful in printing and writing types to control the penetration of water-soluble inks, while in paperboard types it can help the carton to maintain its integrity when accidentally exposed to water.

Area of application: Pulp and Paper

Description: We supply anionic and cationic polymers in high molecular weight
and in solid presentations, with excellent results for pulp and paper mill effluents.