ESCOL CHEMICALS offers products and services that help increase customer productivity in steel, aluminum and copper production and rolling mill processes, operations and equipment.


Area of application: Steel and Mining

Description: Productivity demands in the metal manufacturing industry have never been greater. Equipment in today’s metal manufacturing plants needs specialized oils that perform in the harshest environments, including high temperatures, heavy loads and humidity.

Area of application: Steel and Mining

Description: The various hydraulic systems of reheating furnaces are subject to fire hazards . To eliminate this risk and ensure the safety of people and equipment, the use of fire resistant fluids is recommended. Very high temperature (THT) or ultra high temperature (UHT) greases are used at continuous service temperatures of ≥200 ° C and up to 300 ° C maximum temperature. These conditions require particular chemistries, very different from conventional mineral greases.

Area of application: Steel and Mining

Description: Our liquid detergents allow to obtain excellent cleaning results during the operational and final phases of the process, guaranteeing protection against corrosion during processing pauses. They are formulated to allow, in addition to the cleaning action, a fast separation of the oily phase, guaranteeing a longer solution life. The additives used do not contain inorganic elements in relevant quantities and do not leave residues in case of application prior to annealing or tempering.

Area of application: Steel and Mining

Description: Electrochemical cleaning helps to clean metal after mechanical processing (including welding). The metal part is immersed in an electrochemical bath typically filled with an acidic electrolyte solution. As an alternative to immersing the part in a bath, electrochemical cleaning systems can clean specific areas with solution-soaked carbon fiber pads or brushes. When electric current flows through the bath or through the pad and brush, impurities on the surface of the metal are oxidized and dissolved.

In order to protect the metallurgy subject to chemical cleaning, it is necessary that the acid be accompanied by a corrosion inhibitor such as Rodine.

Area of application: Steel and Mining

Description: We have at your disposal a whole range of release agent that allows us to ensure that your operation is totally efficient, without production losses and affectation of the quality of the parts produced, we have a specific release agent for each of your processes:
Pure oils: mineral, vegetable and synthetic oils.
Soluble and synthetic water-based
Water-based and oil-based graphitized

Area of application: Steel and Mining

A corrosion inhibitor is a material that fixes or coats the metal surface, providing a protective film that stops the corrosive reaction. Often for steel and non-ferrous materials, temporary coatings are used to prevent corrosion during storage and shipment and between machining operations.

Area of application: Steel and Mining

Dust control is an aspect that mining companies have been taking more and more care of. In this sense, it is intended to measure the extent of dust generated in order to control it properly, and have a better quality of work during the supply of minerals inside and outside the mine. With our dust-controlling surfactant additives, mining dust emissions are considerably reduced both in the work environment and in the environment.