Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Data Processing

Escol Chemicals e Policies for the treatment of Personal Data

Escol Chemicals is respectful of the personal data and information provided by its recipients, customers and/or readers registered in its database. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, process and protect the data provided by our recipients, customers and/or readers (hereinafter, “the Recipients”), by filling out the data form, subscribing to Escol Chemicals’ social networks and/or the express or unequivocal authorization of the Recipients, they declare that they have been duly informed and that they unequivocally accept the policies and purposes of treatment described herein.

1. Data Processor

The person responsible for and/or in charge of the processing of the recipient’s personal data is Escol Chemicals, domiciled in Colombia, telephone: (57) 301 633 34 08 and e-mail:

2. Purpose of the database

The database managed by Escol Chemicals (hereinafter, the Database), consisting of the information and personal data provided by the Recipient, has as its main purpose the communication with the Recipients for marketing purposes, as well as its analysis to establish trends or consumption profiles of the Recipients.

3. Data to be collected from recipients

Escol Chemicals may request from its recipients information such as: your name, address, city of residence, telephone, cell phone, profession, place of work, position held, habits of opening, reading, forwarding and replying to emails sent, as well as information that is collected from your computer and your internet browser, such as, data collected through “COOKIES”, Facebook Pixels, Google Analytics software and hardware attributes, among others.

4. Authorization for the collection and processing of personal data

At the time of sending your personal data and accepting these Privacy Policies, by any of the means provided by Escol Chemicals, such as: Facebook Profiles, Twitter, YouTube, Google +, Google Bussines, Instagram, Fan Page, Facebook Lead Forms, Messenger Messages, WhatsApp Messages, Forms and/or Landing Page of Escol Chemicals or any of its customers, the Recipient grants Escol Chemicals its express, informed and unequivocal authorization for the storage and processing of their personal data.


5. Processing of personal data stored in the database of Escol Chemicals

Escol Chemicals will collect, store, use, process and circulate the Recipient’s personal data and other information only for the purposes described and uses authorized in this Privacy Policy and/or in the applicable laws. Accordingly, the Recipient expressly authorizes Escol Chemicals , among other treatments in accordance with the data purposes, for the collection, storage, use and circulation of its personal data for the following purposes and in the following circumstances: (i) To establish communication between Escol Chemicals and the Recipients for any purpose related to advertising offers and electronic marketing of any product or service of Escol Chemicals or third parties. (ii) To analyze, monitor, study and analyze the information in the Database in order to maintain, enhance and improve the services offered by Escol Chemicals (iii) To provide Escol Chemicals’ customers with the personal data of the Recipients who have registered for the events or advertising campaigns of such customers (iv) To report to customers the opening, forwarding, deletion habits of their advertising pieces and any statistical data. (v) Provide to the competent authorities the information required in compliance with laws, regulations or judicial or administrative processes, (vi) Prevent technical problems and stop or prevent fraud, attacks on the security of Escol Chemicals or others (vii) Assign, move, transfer or modify the ownership of the Database to other companies or legal entities in case of business reorganization (viii) Delegate to third parties, as managers, the treatments described above, within Colombia or outside it.

6. Provision of personal data of recipients to Escol Chemicals' customers

In the event that any of our recipients responds to the advertising of any Client by registering their personal data in the form provided for this purpose, the Recipient expressly and unequivocally authorizes Escol Chemicals to provide their personal data to the Client advertising the product or service for which the Recipient showed interest. This authorization includes consent for the Customer to contact the Recipient interested in advertising by e-mail, mail or telephone, as well as for the Customer to incorporate and store the Recipient’s personal data in its own database for the purpose of marketing its products and services.

7. Referral to other websites

When Escol Chemicals web pages refer to web sites that are not under the domain of Escol Chemicals, Escol Chemicals is not responsible for the information or the treatment that these web pages carry out on the data that are given there.

8. Information and data of minors

Escol Chemicals does not use, store or process any personal data of minors. If, by any fraud or error, information of a minor is stored, it will be deleted from our databases immediately, once it is known that the data belongs to a minor.

9. Storage of personal data

The recipient authorizes Escol Chemicals to store it in the manner it deems most appropriate and complies with the security required for the protection of the recipient’s data.

10. Security measures for the protection of personal data and other information

The security measures that Escol Chemicals has in place seek to protect the data of the recipients in order to prevent its adulteration, loss, use and unauthorized access. To this end, we implement human, administrative and technical protection measures that are reasonably available. However, the recipient acknowledges that there is no method that is totally secure, so absolute security cannot be guaranteed. In these terms the Recipient accepts this form of protection, declaring that he/she considers it sufficient for all purposes.

11. Rights of the addressees

Escol Chemicals informs its recipients that, in accordance with current legislation, they have the right to know, update, rectify their information, and/or revoke the authorization for its treatment. a. The area responsible for handling requests, queries and claims of the holders to exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete their data and revoke their authorization is the Privacy Area of Escol Chemicals informing the email b. In case you wish to exercise your rights, the recipient must send an email or physical mail to the contact addresses set out in this Privacy Policy The procedure to be followed for such communications shall be as indicated below: c. Requests and Inquiries about Personal Data. When the owner of the data or their assignees wish to consult the information contained in the database, Escol Chemicals will respond to the request within a maximum period of ten (10) days. In compliance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012, when it is not possible to answer the consultation within such term, the recipient will be informed, the reasons for the delay will be expressed and the date on which the consultation will be answered will be indicated, which may not exceed five (5) working days following the expiration of the first term. d. Revocation of authorization, withdrawal or deletion of the Database. Escol Chemicals guarantees the Recipient the disaffiliation from our database when he/she so desires. The revocation of your authorization, request for withdrawal or deletion of your data from the database may be done expeditiously and immediately, through the option of “unsubscribe” or “unsubscribe” included in all communications sent by Escol Chemicals. e. Claims on Personal Data. When the owner of the data or their assignees consider that the information contained in the databases should be corrected, updated or deleted, or when they notice the alleged breach of any of the duties contained in Law 1581 of 2012, they may do so expeditiously and immediately, through the “unsubscribe” or “unsubscribe” option included in all communications sent by Escol Chemicals . If for any reason this is not effective, or if the recipient prefers, he/she may file the corresponding claim with Escol Chemicals, which will be processed under the following rules: 1. The claim shall be formulated by means of a request addressed to Escol Chemicals with the identification of the addressee, the description of the facts that give rise to the claim, the address, and the documents to be asserted shall be attached. If the claim is incomplete, Escol Chemicals may require the interested party within five (5) days after receiving the claim to correct the faults. After two (2) months from the date of the requirement, without the applicant submitting the required information, it will be understood that the claim has been abandoned. In the event that Escol Chemicals is not competent to resolve the claim, it will transfer the claim to the appropriate person within a maximum period of two (2) business days and inform the recipient of the situation, which will be relieved of any claim or liability for the use, rectification or deletion of the data. 2. Once the complete claim is received, a legend will be included in the database stating “claim in process” and the reason for the claim, within a term not exceeding two (2) business days. Said legend shall be maintained until the claim is decided. 3. The maximum term to address the claim shall be fifteen (15) business days from the day following the date of its receipt. When it is not possible to address the claim within such term, the Recipient shall be informed of the reasons for the delay and the date on which the claim will be addressed, which in no case may exceed eight (8) business days following the expiration of the first term.

12. Contact

Any questions or additional information will be received and processed by sending them to the contact addresses set forth in this Privacy Policy or to

13. Responsibility for the content of the advertisement and the accuracy of the information contained therein

The content and information of advertising messages that are sent through our emails, which are on web pages designed by Escol Chemicals, in social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter among others, do not engage the responsibility of Escol Chemicals, and are the sole responsibility of the customer or person offering the products or services. However, in case of any problem with the products or services offered through the services of Escol Chemicals , the Recipients may inform so that it can take the measures that in its own judgment and sole discretion, it deems necessary to avoid future problems.

14. Legislation in force

The national legislation in force regarding personal data protection is contained in Law 1581 of 2012, Decree 1377 of 2013 and Law 1266 of 2008, and other concordant regulations.