ESCOL CHEMICALS provides products and services that contribute to oil spill remediation, reclamation of degraded areas and combating erosion and pollution.


Application area: Environment

Description: The blankets prevent soil contamination and the accumulation of oiled soil; the possible contamination of groundwater by seepage or leaching of hydrocarbons; facilitating the transport, treatment and final disposal of soil contaminated with hydrocarbons. In addition, if placed on time and correctly, they can prevent the spread of oil spills into rivers or the sea.

Application area: Environment

Description: Our dust control polymer and soil sealant is a concentrated synthetic polymer emulsion consisting of a combination of carefully selected polymers specifically designed for dust palliative and soil stabilization applications. It is safe, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. It provides superior adhesion and stabilization for long lasting performance. Especially for rural roads and mining roads.

Application area: Environment

Description: For agriculture, we design Hydrogel-based products intended to preserve water, encourage recycling and improve efficiency. Our polymers minimize water losses through runoff and leaching. They facilitate improvements in water management, production yields, fertilizer use and environmental preservation.

The new material is a viscoelastic fire retardant liquid developed to slow the spread of fire. In addition, the gel continues to permeate the vegetation for months, even after heavy rains, which differentiates it from other retardants currently on the market.

Application area: Environment

Fenton’s reagent is an advanced oxidation process in which highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH-) are produced. This is done under acidic ambient conditions and with ambient pressure and temperature, using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which is catalyzed with transition metals, usually iron. The reaction is applied for the effective treatment of wastewater. There are different operations, including conventional Fenton or ‘dark’ Fenton and Photo-Fenton in which a phase with ultraviolet radiation is applied. The Fenton process has proven effective in degrading a wide variety of highly polluting materials such as aromatic compounds, PCBs, cyanides, phenols, PCP, formaldehyde and formaldehyde. PCP, formaldehyde and different chlorinated compounds.

Application area: Environment

Description: H2S in the environment can cause hygiene and safety problems to living beings, bad odors, as well as acid rain; in such sense we offer technological alternatives to treat this pollutant in industrial effluents and in atmospheric emissions discharge systems.

Application area: Environment

When the source of unpleasant odors is decomposing organic matter we offer biodispersant technology based on citric surfactants capable of stabilizing the decomposing mass and making it tolerable for the direct workers and for the neighboring population. For bad odors caused by H2S and mercaptans we offer a mixture of scavengers and odor suppressants partially removing these contaminants and masking the odor at a reasonable price.