ESCOL CHEMICALS provides products and services that help increase customer productivity in oil and gas production processes, operations and equipment.


Area of application:
Oil and gas production

Description: Our products reduce crude oil viscosity through different mechanisms such as stabilization of asphaltenes and kerosenes, through the improvement of water/crude interfacial properties causing the breaking of stable emulsions, using surfactants.

Area of application: Oil and gas production Description: We custom design the blend of surfactant components to be used to break direct emulsions resulting in high water fall rates, a crude oil meeting BSW specification and a water meeting specification in hydrocarbon content.
Area of application: Oil and gas production Description: We have De-oilers of different loads and molecular weights capable of breaking very stable emulsions of crude oil in water.

Area of application: Gas production

Description: We have special amines (MEA; DEA, MDEA etc.) regenerable for sweetening plants that remove CO2 and H2S present in sour or acid gas; while the lean or regenerated amine starts absorbing CO2 and H2S present in the gas in an absorber tower; the rich or spent amine leaving the absorber tower starts the regeneration process until it is ready to start another treatment cycle.

Application area: Oil and gas production
Description: We offer high technology and custom designed products for your system capable of keeping the water associated with crude oil and natural gas free of corrosion and fouling meeting the corrosion and fouling rates established internationally by NACE.

Application area: Oil and gas production

Description: We offer blends of asphaltene dispersants and surfactants capable of keeping crude oil clean and free of organic and inorganic deposits.

Area of application: Oil and gas production

Description: We offer surfactant blends capable of keeping crude oil clean and free of organic and inorganic deposits.

Application area: Oil and gas production

Description: We supply stabilizing products of surfactant origin capable of keeping asphaltenes and kerosenes stabilized within the crude oil.

Application area: Oil and gas production
Description: We have polymers of different charges and molecular weights capable of breaking very stable emulsions of crude oil in water and also capable of de-watering oiled sludge (de-watering).

Application area: Oil and gas production

We offer defoamer products capable of breaking foam in crude oil, water and even glycol in a fast way, without leaving residues and at very low doses.

Application area: Oil and gas production

Description: We supply a wide variety of biocides depending on the type of bacteria present, including sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), the system and the type of stream; we have BART kits that allow optimizing the dosage and frequency of application, keeping the bacteria count within the values required by the customer.

Application area: Oil and gas production

Description: We supply oxygen scavenger products for internal treatment of steam generators and other systems where an oxygen-free environment is required to be maintained.

Application area: Oil and gas production

Description: We have a wide variety of nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous H2S scavengers and that remove H2S in crude oil, gas and water quickly and irreversibly; we also have state-of-the-art technology for injection into the system and to evaluate the effectiveness of the scavenger.