ESCOL Chemicals provides products and services that help increase crude oil production and lower treatment costs, counting among other products with organic and inorganic polymers for dehydration and clarification.


Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling

A high molecular weight anionic polymer designed to inhibit clays prone to hydration that lead to instability in oil production in the wellbore; the effectiveness of PHPA drilling muds can be determined by measuring their density, rheological properties and alkalinity.

Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling.

Description: Xanthan gum is a kind of excellent drilling mud additive. It is unique because it produces high viscosity under low shear conditions. Therefore, drilling fluid with low concentration can suspend solid matter. It is very stable because at high temperature, high acidity or alkalinity and high salinity, xanthan gum can still maintain its characteristics. It is highly recommended in offshore drilling or other difficult conditions.

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Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling

We offer corrosion inhibitors tailored to well conditions with high resistance to extreme conditions of pressure, temperature, salinity and acidity.

Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling
Description: We supply a wide variety of biocides depending on the type of bacteria present, including sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), the system and the type of current; we have BART kits that allow optimizing the dosage and frequency of application, keeping the bacterial count within the values required by the customer.
BITUMIS-PP-15 Boletín Técnico
BITUMIS-PP-16 Boletín Técnico
Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling Description: We offer defoaming products capable of breaking foam in crude oil, water and even in glycol in a fast way, without leaving residues and at very low doses. BITUMIS-PP-83 Boletín Técnico

Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling

We supply oxygen scavenger products for systems where an oxygen-free environment is required.

Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling

They are used as a mud additive to reduce torque (rotational friction) and drag (axial friction) in the wellbore and to lubricate bit bearings if they are not sealed. Lubricants can be solids, such as plastic beads, glass beads, walnut shells and graphite, or liquids, such as oils, synthetic fluids, glycols, modified vegetable oils, fatty acid soaps and surfactants.

Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling

This type of surfactant products prevent the formation of emulsions in order to improve the rheological properties of the produced crude oil.

Area of application: Oil&Gas drilling

Liquid additive designed for the dispersion of water-based muds. It controls the rheology of fluids and provides stability even at high temperatures. We also have high performance liquid polymer based additives for polymer based muds and bentonite based muds.

Application area: Oil&Gas drilling

Product Type: Slope

Our emulsifying agents create a water-in-crude emulsion that reduces the interfacial tension between the two liquids to achieve stability under mud transport conditions.