ESCOL CHEMICALS offers products and services that help increase customer productivity in petroleum refining processes, operations and equipment.


Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We have products tailored to the characteristics of the crude oil being processed and the design of your desalter, which are verified in our portable pilot desalter before field application.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We have a wide variety of neutralizing amines and filmic amines for corrosion control in atmospheric and vacuum column tops; which together allow corrosion rates < 3 pmy to be achieved.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We supply this type of products for fouling inhibition in crude oils, gum inhibition in cracked naphthas and coke inhibitors in heavier fractions such as vacuum and residual gas oil.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We have at your disposal the supply of defoamers and corrosion inhibitors for sour gas sweetening plants working with neutralizing amines such as MEA, MDEA etc.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Our products reduce crude viscosity through different mechanisms such as stabilization of asphaltenes and kerosenes, through the improvement of water/crude interfacial properties causing the breaking of stable emulsions, using surfactants. This type of products in refineries is applied in heavy crudes and residual crudes.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Either through H2S and mercaptans scavengers or odor maskers we help to reduce unpleasant odors that occur in refineries and affect their own workers and the surrounding communities.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

We supply silicone-based defoamers with high response speed, low dosage and resistant to the high temperatures produced in these units.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: When emulsions produced in desalters are very stable, this type of products should be used to bring asphaltenes out of the water/crude oil interface and to accelerate the fall of water droplets in the crude oil.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We supply a wide variety of biocides depending on the type of bacteria present, including sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB), the system and the type of stream; we have BART kits that allow optimizing the dosage and frequency of application, keeping the bacteria count within the values required by the customer.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We have De-oilers and crude oil-in-water emulsion breakers of different loads and molecular weights capable of breaking very stable emulsions in the brine of desalters, API separators, Industrial Water Treatment Plants etc.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We supply oxygen scavenger and scale inhibitor products for heat recovery boilers and other systems where an oxygen and scale free environment is required.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We have a wide variety of nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous H2S scavengers and that remove H2S in crude oil, gas and water quickly and irreversibly; we also have state-of-the-art technology for injection into the system and to evaluate the effectiveness of the scavenger.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: We have cetane improver additive products and the necessary after-sales service for application in finished products.

Application area: Refining and petrochemicals

Description: Through GTM Inc. we have catalysts for FCC plants where treatment and final disposal service is offered to eliminate that headache for refineries.